Hello and Welcome!

This blog is about the experiences of two sisters as they travel the world on and off over several years. Our blog starts with our first major backpacking trip in 2010 to Southeast Asia. After catching the travel bug, we subsequently explored the world both individually and together. From seeing the colosseum in Rome, to trekking to Manchu Picchu in Peru, to rock climbing in Joshua Tree, we have allowed our experiences to help us grow in few ways other things can. Our goal for this blog is not only to capture our memories, but to share all of our experiences with the people we love! We hope you enjoy!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Great Barrier Reef - Pictures :)

Getting ready to dive down

Equalizing on the way down

Dive #1 - Ali and I took a guided dive

Sea Cucumber :)

Practicing her buoyancy :)

Touching soft coral :) - one of the few things you can touch while diving

Cuttlefish :)

watching the cuttlefish swim

Giant Clam :)

Clearing my mask of water

Close up view of the coral

Clown Fish in an Anemone :)

Dive #2 - our first dive on our own :)

Exhale :)

The Lighting was way better the second dive...

following a school of fish...

Butterfly fish :)

Blue tipped coral :)


1 comment:

  1. from the picture alone, you have a good experience with in australia and new zealand. You have a perfect choice to spend you vacation. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures and experiences with us. printing maryborough
