Hello and Welcome!

This blog is about the experiences of two sisters as they travel the world on and off over several years. Our blog starts with our first major backpacking trip in 2010 to Southeast Asia. After catching the travel bug, we subsequently explored the world both individually and together. From seeing the colosseum in Rome, to trekking to Manchu Picchu in Peru, to rock climbing in Joshua Tree, we have allowed our experiences to help us grow in few ways other things can. Our goal for this blog is not only to capture our memories, but to share all of our experiences with the people we love! We hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cameron Highlands - Pictures

Ali in the Butterfly Garden

Leaf Insect!!!

Ali loves bunnies haha

Tons of flowers in the butterfly garden

Ali about to get a walking stick put on her arm - Ali: "OMG I don't think I can do this!!"

hahahaha - best picture of all time!

She's still not sure how she feels about this...

much happier

Very different reaction to the bug haha!
The guy that works there brought out a little lizard for us to hold

Ali and the lizard


This plant smells like "Christmas"

Hi Friends!

The butterflies finally wake up!

View of the highlands from the main highway

Honeybee Farm!

The bees are hard at work

Ali thought I was too close haha

Big bee statues all over the place!

Powder Puff!


Strawberry farm!


A man working there picked us a strawberry each so we could sample them

Very fresh

Close up of the strawberries
Homemade icecream and strawberry from the farm :)

Taken at the start of the 3km walk to the tea plantation

The rolling hills of the Cameron Highlands - you can see part of the tea plantation at the bottom

All the tea plants - part of the "BOH Tea Plantation"
A service road weaving through the plantation

up on a hill you can see workers - they are picking leaves and putting them in sacks

2/3 of the walk is done, we are almost there!

Ali and I on the road though the plantation, you can see the tea plants and rolling hills behind us

Ali between tea plants

A closer shot of the plantation

After  3km walk we finally made it!

Ali and I went on a free tour of the factory. These signs explain the tea-making process. Each sign picture is followed by a picture of the workers completing that step.

 Stage 2 - part of the rolling process

The Fermentation Process

A part of the Rolling Process

The houses where the factory workers live - right in the middle of the plantation
Plantation in the backg

On the balcony of the Boh Tea Restaurant

The Boh Tea restaurant - overhanging the tea plantation

After the 6km of walking, we decided to get a treat at another strawberry farm :)

Walking up the path leading to our guesthouse

Our guesthouse - the garden in front

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